Andrew Bird, White Rabbits & Grizzly Bear - oh my!
...And that's not all! The past few months we have seen some pretty amazing shows. We apologize for being BMIA (Bloggers-Missing-In-Action). Enjoy a brief photo recap of the shows we not only liked, but loved:
Band of Skulls @ 3 Clubs. June 4, 2009.
The Dead Weather @ the Roxy. June 17, 2009.
Jack White & Allison Mosshart. The Dead Weather @ the Roxy. June 17, 2009.
The White Rabbits @ the Troubadour. June 18, 2009.
We attend a lot of shows. Our friends are always interested in who we are going to see and when. People seem to want to see more live music, so we created this blog to showcase upcoming music events in the LA area that we plan on attending or think sound cool. In doing so we bring to you the meandering music adventures of Melissa & Angelic...
you ladies rock!